The latest research indicates that an average 35% of employees will work remotely post Covid-19. It is clear that remote working will be at the core of the new ways of working. The trend has already picked up pace with industry giants, such as Google, Twitter, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, Amazon and JP Morgan, announcing permanent work from home policies for significant portions of their workforces.
Deloitte “Remote Work : The New Norm” June 2020

Managing Remote Teams
90-minute BiteSize Workshop
In this BiteSize 90-minute workshop, we look at how to effectively manage teams remotely.
Whilst the management skills are the same, some adjustments are needed to manage remote teams.
This includes the relationships you have with your team members in terms of expectations, communication and workflow management.
It is also about cultivating a positive team dynamic and ensuring remote workers feel connected to other colleagues as well as the wider organisation.
This session focuses on the tools and techniques needed to develop a high performing remote team.
You will come away from this workshop with a highly practical blueprint that will ensure you lead your remote workers to success.
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Workshop Costs
Virtual Teams Workshops – Lead Tutor
Jeanette Rouse is the lead tutor for the Managing Remote Teams 90-minute workshops.
Jeanette has successfully run her own HR Consultancy business over the last 15 years, providing a range of support to local businesses in the New Anglia region, as well as working with a number of Local Authorities.

The Ross Building, Adastral Park,
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3RE
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