Since 1988, Blue Novation has designed and delivered exceptionally high standard training solutions to businesses in both the private and public sector. The quality of training we deliver is of paramount importance to us.
Our approach ensures that delegates enjoy their training whilst gaining the additional skills and knowledge to become more productive in the workplace.
Introduction to Excel VBA
This course will show delegates how to use the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language to simplify and automate many of the repetitive tasks that are part of spreadsheet development.
Course Topics
Recording Macros
using the macro recorder • running macros via worksheet or toolbar buttons • relative and absolute cell references • options for storing a macro
Visual Basic Editor (VBE) Window
familiarisation with the VBE window • excel objects, user forms & modules • procedures, keywords, statements & comments • customising the VBE window
Creating and Modifying VBA Code
making long statements readable • using message boxes to interact with the user • using input boxes to get information from the user
Working with Worksheets and Cells
navigating around worksheets • editing & formatting cells • moving around lists of data • working with named ranges
Introducing Functions and Variables
variables and variable types • using a naming convention for your variables • using built-in worksheet functions
Decision Making within VBA Procedures
using If Then Else statements • using Select Case statements
Looping Through Data
using Do While or Do Until statements • exploring the use of the For Next statement
De-Bugging your Code
break mode • stepping through code • using auto data tips, call stack, expressions • using the immediate window, local window
On-sheet Controls
using “controls” on the worksheet • setting the properties of controls • linking controls to the worksheet
Working with Workbooks
opening other workbooks with re-usable code • navigating between different workbook • saving a workbook file
Creating Re-usable Code
passing arguments to a procedure • exploring the benefits of re-usable code
Handling Errors within your Code
trapping errors • adding code to handle the errors • determining what error has occurred • exiting from the error handling code
Variables and their scope and lifetime
testing the content of a variable • local, module and static variables • global and private variables • using constants
Working with Data
manipulating data contained within a single string • manipulating dates
Creating User Defined Functions
creating a simple function • creating a function for a more complex formula you use frequently
User Forms
how to create simple custom forms in Excel • adding controls to a user form • adding code to respond to events
Good Coding Guide
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Course Dates
Dates arranged on request for:
‘Live & Online’ Training
Course Duration
Online: 4 x half-day sessions
Course Fee
From £720 + VAT per day
Class Size
Online: Maximum of 6 delegates
The 2-day Introduction to VBA is for people with a good working knowledge of Excel. No prior knowledge of Excel macros or VBA is required.
Training Formats
Private course · tailored
All instructor led
A comprehensive course manual provides support throughout the course. Available in PDF format for Online sessions.
Steve Roberts, Group Reporting Analyst
Movac Group
Not found the course you are looking for?
We can create a tailored workshop to suit your
specific business requirements. Get in touch to find out more.

The Ross Building, Adastral Park,
Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 3RE
Please contact us by email:
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